Solutions > Enterprise Content Management (ECM) > Document Management (DM)

Document Management (DM)

A key challenge in enterprise content management, faced by practically any business is to organize an orderly and secure storage of document management, namely:


  • Export / import of documents, moving to a corporate store
  • Filling user card with the attributes of documents
  • Creating and Storing images of documents
  • Recognition, tags, indexing the contents of the repository
  • Search for documents in the repository: attributive, context, full text, taking into account the morphology of the language
  • The classification of the documents, the organization of logical folders (by types of documents for clients, business, per department, of articles)
  • Related documents, filings
  • Planning document life cycle
  • Distribution of documents and tasks among the involved employees
  • Links to the documents in the repository in calendars, tasks, projects and other documents
  • Sharing documents, access control, automatic versioning
  • Security, audit user activity